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The main cells of the immune system are phagocytes and lymphocytes (B- and T-lymphocytes). They circulate through the circulatory and lymphatic system, some of them can penetrate into tissues. All cells of the immune system have certain functions and work in a complex interaction, which is provided by the production of special biologically active substances - cytokines.

The main cells of the immune system are phagocytes and lymphocytes (B- and T-lymphocytes). They circulate through the circulatory and lymphatic system, some of them can penetrate into tissues. All cells of the immune system have certain functions and work in a complex interaction, which is provided by the production of special biologically active substances - cytokines.

Phagocytes (translated into Russian as "devouring") rush at the aliens, absorbing and destroying microbes, toxic substances and other cells and tissues alien to the body. At the same time, phagocytes themselves die, releasing substances (mediators) that cause a local inflammatory reaction and attract new groups of phagocytes to fight antigens.

Lymphocytes produce specific proteins –antibodies) - immunoglobulins that interact with certain antigens and bind them. Antibodies neutralize the activity of poisons, microbes, and make them more accessible to phagocytes.

The immune system "remembers" those foreign substances with which it has ever met and reacted to. This determines the formation of immunity to "foreign" agents, tolerance to their own biologically active substances and hypersensitivity to allergens.

A normally functioning immune system does not respond to internal factors and, at the same time, rejects foreign influences on the body. It forms the immune system – anti-infective, transplant, antitumor.

Immunity protects the body from infectious diseases, frees it from dead, regenerated and alien cells. Immune reactions are the cause of rejection of transplanted organs and tissues. With congenital or acquired defects of the immune system, diseases arise – immunodeficiency, autoimmune or allergic, caused by an increased sensitivity of the body to allergens.
Types of immunity. There are natural and artificial immunity

A person is already immune to many diseases from birth. Such immunity is called innate. For example, people do not get sick with animal plague because they already have ready-made antibodies in their blood. Innate immunity is inherited from parents. The body receives antibodies from the mother through the placenta or with mother's milk. Therefore, the immune system is often weakened in children who are on artificial feeding. They are more susceptible to infectious diseases and are more likely to suffer from diabetes. Innate immunity persists throughout life, but it can be overcome if the doses of the infecting agent increase or weaken the protective functions of the body.

In some cases, immunity occurs after diseases. This is an acquired immunity. Having been ill once, people become immune to the pathogen. Such immunity can persist for decades. For example, after measles, lifelong immunity remains. But with other infections, for example, with flu, sore throat, immunity persists for a relatively short time, and a person can suffer these diseases several times during his life. Innate and acquired immunity is called natural. In particular, acquired immunity helps to cope with various infections in the future.

Infectious immunity is always specific or, in other words, specific. It is directed only against a certain pathogen and does not apply to others.

There is also artificial immunity, which occurs as a result of the introduction of ready-made antibodies into the body. This happens when a sick person is injected with blood serum from sick people or animals, as well as with the introduction of weakened microbes – vaccines. In this case, the body actively participates in the production of its own antibodies, and such immunity remains for a long time.
Signs of decreased immunity:

1. Rapid fatigue
2. Chronic fatigue
3. Drowsiness, insomnia
4. Headaches
5. Muscle aches
6. Joint pains and aches
7. Frequent morbidity
8. Skin rashes of a viral nature (herpes, etc.)
9. Long-term course of acute respiratory viral diseases
10. Prolonged temperature rise 37.1-37.2, or short, but quite exhausting
11. General weakness
12. Pallor of the skin
13. Reduced resistance
14. Neuroses and neurosis-like states
15. Increased irritability, violation of normal sleep
16. Recurrent purulent-septic infections (boils, carbuncles, phlegmons, abscesses, etc.)
17. Fungal lesions of the skin, nails, mucous membranes
18. Treatment-resistant and recurrent diseases, for example, of the respiratory tract or sinuses, or the urinary system

On average, 40-50% of the population has reduced immunity. The body's ability to maintain its integrity and self-identity is reduced. Therefore, the methods used in the Clinic occupy a special place in the prevention of diseases, correction of human immunity, on the condition of which everything else in the body depends.